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Andrew Hall has a wealth of experience to share whether you are attending an open course or he is visiting your own school, MAT or cluster. Andrew concentrates on his flagship course 'Advanced Safeguarding for DSLs' and whole school sessions.

Andrew Hall works hard to provide Designated Safeguarding Leads with the resources they need to understand their role, stay up-to-date with the ever-changing safeguarding landscape and be more able to keep children and young people safe.

Andrew Hall is a sought-after international speaker on safeguarding and related matters. If you are planning a conference, away-day or residential course, Andrew can help make your event memorable.

"I would like to formally thank you for your inspirational input into our first ever DSL conference! Feedback has been extremely positive and I am so glad that you were involved as both a keynote speaker and through running a really interesting workshop. We thank you for all your input, your support, your wealth of experience and your shared resources all of which are instrumental in helping us keep the children of the borough that little bit safer!"
Sophie, Headteacher, North London

"I am emailing to let you know how useful I found the safeguarding training yesterday. It was extremely interesting and informative. The time flashed past (so obviously not boring!). I have previously attended safeguarding courses where I have found some content horrifying, your course provided, at the very least, the same very powerful message without resorting to graphic detail. I will be recommending your course to my colleagues in other local schools."
Jean, School Business Manager

Advanced Safeguarding for Designated Safeguarding Leads
Safeguarding children and young people in the 21st Century seems to become more and more complex. Whilst the issues and risks may ebb-and-flow, there are two important constants: culture and structure. Effective safeguarding relies on clear and easily understandable systems and procedures. The school's culture forms the safe environment for children to develop and grow.
In Andrew Hall's flagship course for Designated Safeguarding Leads, colleagues will learn why school culture is so important and how to build the solid structures that will support staff and students, even when tough challenges come along. Before supporting schools with safeguarding, Andrew spent most of his 30 years working with vulnerable children and young people, as teacher and headteacher.
Andrew says, 'I learnt a lot over my career, but one thing has stayed with me more than anything else. Children can't learn if they don't feel safe and valued.' Using a blend of theory, practical strategies and real-life examples, Andrew will help you learn how to build effective safeguarding teams, processes and understand the main risks for young people today.