Keeping Children Safe during Community Activities, After-School Clubs and Tuition
Oct 11, 2023Keeping Children Safe during Community Activities, After-School Clubs and Tuition
The government guidance 'Keeping Children Safe in Out-of-School Settings' has now been updated and replaced by new guidance published on 19th September 2023. The new over-arching guidance document is called 'After-Schools clubs, community activities and tuition safeguarding guidance for providers' (Department of Education, September 2023). This is now the latest version of the guidance to be followed by organizations other than schools who work with children and young people. This organizations include (but are not limited to):
- Community activities
- Before and after school clubs
- Holiday clubs
- Supplementary schools
- Private tuition
- Music lessons
- Sports training
Although this guidance is non-statutory, it is to be regarded as best-practice. The Department of Education is encouraging organizations, clubs and tuition providers (known as out-of-school settings, to follow it.)
What schools need to know
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) says that when schools hire their premises to organizations that work with children, they should check that the guidance in 'After-school clubs, community activities and tuition: safeguarding guidance for providers' (KCSIE, paragraphs 166 and 167) is being followed.
Para. 166.
'The governing body or proprietor should...ensure safeguarding requirements are included in any hire agreement as a condition of use and occupation of the premises; and that failure to comply with this would lead to termination of the agreement.
Para. 167.
'The governing body or proprietor should ensure that there are arrangements in place for the provider to liaise with the school or college on safeguarding matters where appropriate.'
Whilst it is incumbent on the provider to have read and acted on the guidance, the relevant person in the school should be aware of this guidance, so that a suitable hire agreement can be drawn up. A checklist summarising the guidance can be found in 'After-school clubs, community activities and tuition; Safeguarding guidance for providers' (Department of Education, 2023. Pg. 11 - 12).
Changes from the Previous Guidance 'Keeping Children Safe in Out-of-School Settings'
The new guidance strengthens the older documents in a number of areas, particularly in governance, working with children who have SEN and disabilities, staff recruitment and management, the record-keeping of training, the steps to take when a child goes missing from the activity. The new document clarifies a number of areas, including that no external visitors should be observing the session unless they have identified themselves and signed in.
The guidance reminds organizations that in June 2022, the Sexual Offences Act 2003, was changed to include a broader range of roles in the 'position of trust' offence. In addition to teachers, these rules now prevent adults from engaging in sexual activity with a person who is 16 or 17 years old who they are coaching, teaching, training, supervising or instructing in a sport or religion.
Working with Schools
To ensure that nothing falls through the gaps, the out-of-school settings guidance says:
'If you use a school, college or local authority premises, they...must continue to have regard to KCSIE....when using school premises you should continue to implement this guidance for example, appointing your own DSL and putting in place safeguarding policies and procedures specific to your activity. However, you must also comply with any terms that the school, college or local authority sets.
Check that the school or college has included safeguarding in their rental or hire agreement; or memorandum of understanding if there is no formal contract.' (See 'After-school cubs, community activities, and tuition: Safeguarding guidance for providers.) (Department of Education, 2023. Pg. 47.)
For Providers:
After-school clubs, community activities, and tuition Safeguarding guidance for providers (Department of Education, 2023.)
After-school clubs, community activities, and tuition Safeguarding guidance for providers
Summary of the Guidance:
Keeping children safe during clubs, tuition and activities summary leaflet for providers running out-of-school settings (Department of Education, 2023.)
For Parents:
Keeping children safe during clubs, tuition and activities summary leaflet for providers running out-of-school settings (Department of Education, 2023.)
What to Do Now
If your school hires out their premises to an organization working with children and young people, the hire agreement should be reviewed to ensure that reference is made to the updated guidance: 'After-school clubs, community activities, and tuition safeguarding guidance for providers'. (Department of Education, 2023.)
Schools should check their hirers meet the (minimum) standards listed in the checklist on pages 11 to 12 (of 'After-school clubs, community activities, and tuition safeguarding guidance for providers') (Department of Education, 2023)
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