Filtering and Monitoring - Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
Jun 05, 2023In March 2023, the Department for Education published (DfE) new filtering and monitoring standards. Schools need to be meeting these standards straightaway.
In Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE), filtering and monitoring has been given greater emphasis and stresses that everyone needs to understand their role it in, that it is checked and reviewed, at least annually, and that DSLs should take lead responsibility.
Specialist Safeguarding Consultant, Andrew Hall, has created a questionnaire to help you discover whether you are meeting the filtering and monitoring standards. You can download it here:
Filtering and Monitoring Standards June 2023.pdf
An editable file including other information is available to registered members of Safeguarding.Pro. If you are not already a member, go to: joinsafeguarding.pro
Useful links and resources
Department for Education
Keeping Children Safe In Education (DfE)
Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges (DfE)
Broadband internet standards for schools and colleges (DfE)
Cyber security standards for schools and colleges (DfE)
Data protection policies and procedures (DfE)
Home Office
The Prevent duty: safeguarding learners vulnerable to radicalisation (Home Office)
Information Commissioner's Office
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) (ICO)
London Grid for Learning (LGfL)
South West Grid for Learning (SWGfL)
Online Safety Review (360Safe) (SWGfL)
National Cyber Security Centre
Cyber security training for school staff
UK Safer Internet Centre
2023 Appropriate filtering and monitoring definitions published (UK Safer Internet Centre)
Test Your Internet Filter (UKSIC / SWGfL)
Filtering provider responses - self-certified by service providers (UKSIC)
A Guide for education settings and filtering providers (UKCIS)
Establishing appropriate levels of filtering (UKSIC)
Online safety in schools and colleges: questions from the governing board (UKCIS)
Digital Resilience
HeadStart Online Digital Resilience Tool (HeadStart Kernow)
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